The Family |
Here I am folks! Yes, I am starting a new blog...right from scratch...brand new...again! No, I'm not going to ditch this one, it is my passion. Let me explain why.
My first venture into the world of blogging started a month into my son's treatment for leukemia way back in 2009. The last thing on my mind was gaining an audience, making friends, sharing my wisdom. Instead I was desperately trying to make sense of the worst situation of my life while having a place to let my close friends and family know what was going on. The blog evolved into a therapy session for me...and shared a LOT about my beautiful son and his amazing brother. It served its purpose and helped to keep me sane...my son is now a happy, healthy nine year old. He has moved on from the world of cancer, pain and death. Yes, he knew he could die...some of his friends passed away.
So now I am one of the lucky parents who continue to hug her children to sleep. But the amazing fact I can do that is not lost on me. While my family and friends move beyond our battle (as they should), I want to ensure this fight comes to an end for everyone. Especially children.
I now create jewelry to help fundraise for cancer research. Money raised thorough sales goes to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. My son has a team that gets together once a year to Walk for the Cure. I will be posting the team webpage as soon as it is active for the 2014 walk. Everyone is welcome to join the team, even if you cannot walk on the night :)
I try to vary my creations so that I meet the needs of a wide range of customers. I also try to hit a variety of price points too. All the items are made with love...real love for
real heroes.
So enough of this...check in on the
About the Butterfly tab at the top of the page to find out more about my passion and the VERY good cause I fight for.
Katy xx