Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Beautiful Gift for My Etsy Store

Creative DIY

They say good can come from bad situations and I am a walking reference for proof of this.  Despite having some very major issues with the health of both of my sons: my eldest tried to emerge into this world at only 24 weeks gestation and, after a very difficult bed rest, was delivered by emergency C-section and rushed of to the NICU for breathing complications; the very same child developed bacterial meningitis at the age of 4; and my younger son…well he wanted to trump big brother so he fought leukemia…(yes, they still argue about who had it worse!!!)

Yet I am an exceedingly lucky mom.  Both my sons are healthy now and I have experienced so much generosity, kindness and caring from such a diverse group of people, even people who have never met any of this crazy family, and it truly humbles me. 

One such person is Etsy shop owner, Regina Gold.  I have never met Regina, nor had I visited her shop, Gold Puff before.  Yet, after me posting on the discussion forum asking for design advice, she sent me a beautiful logo made especially for Butterfly Warriors.  She told me that my son’s story had touched her and she wanted to donate her talents.  Regina’s shop is not a design shop.  She is not promoting anything for sale.  She is just an incredibly creative person who did something so good. 

I even had the nerve to get picky about the color of the ribbon!  Yep, I am that person (sometimes). But the reason is because I never want my mission to be forgotten.  I notice I am becoming more involved in other illnesses.  I am painfully aware of the horrors of autoimmune diseases: my mom has Lupus, ME and Fibromyalgia.  I have ME. But I still try to focus most on raising cancer awareness.  Also, my donations from each sale go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, so it makes sense to be clear about the main focus. 

So Regina was a superstar and gave me an orange ribbon.   I have to say, I love having such a beautiful logo for my Etsy Store, but it is so much more meaningful because it came from the heart.  Someone took the time to show love for all the warriors, and that is not lost on me one bit.  So here it is, the new logo for ButterflyWarriors on Etsy.  Perhaps Regina has a new calling and should open a shop selling them…I would be a customer if I had not already been gifted such a treasure. 

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